About Us

Minority Women With Breast Cancer Uniting, Inc. (MWBCU) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing education and support to minority women affected by breast cancer, and promoting breast cancer awareness. A vital community resource, MWBCU also conducts and participates in health fairs, seminars, workshops, forums, and other programs and activities related to breast cancer education, early detection and intervention. The group also provides speakers for community events.

Founded in 1992 by Geri Blair and Annirean Williams-Thomas, two minority women who survived breast cancer, MWBCU has become a leading champion for minority women with breast cancer and their families.

For more than a decade, MWBCU has been providing direct services to hundreds of breast cancer patients and survivors at different stages of their experiences.

There is life after breast cancer!

A diagnosis of breast cancer can be overwhelming for women and their loved ones. 

Minority Women with Breast Cancer Uniting, Inc. (MWBCU) provides a confidential and supportive arena where the many challenges of living with cancer can be shared with others with similar experiences.

Inspiring Events

Health Fairs and Workshops
Annual Survivors Luncheon
Conferences for Clergy and Community Leaders
Partnerships with Health-related and other Organizations
The 3H Group Breast Cancer Preventathon Walk
Annual Race for the Cure
American Cancer Society Relay for Life
Pictorial Wall of Hope

Our Partners

Meet some of the helpful partners that have supported the MWBCU efforts

We're helping women grow stronger every day.

With community outreach and events

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